JURIST Project to hand-over IT equipment to the Barbados judiciary

The Canadian-funded Judicial Reform and Institutional Strengthening (JURIST) Project has been working with regional judiciaries to address delay and backlogs which directly affect the effectiveness and efficiency of the judiciary to resolve cases in a timely manner and serve those who are the most vulnerable in society.

In this regard, the JURIST Project will support the judiciary of Barbados by providing 54 laptops to support case flow management, and court administration.

The laptops will be handed over on August 17, 2020 at the Barbados Supreme Court at 2 p.m. Remarks will be delivered by the Honourable Mr. Justice, Sir Marston Gibson, Chief Justice of Barbados; Her Excellency Marie Legault, High Commissioner of Canada to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean; and Mrs. Gloria Richards-Johnson, Director, JURIST Project will join the event via video conference.

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