JURIST And IMPACT Justice Projects Host Lessons Learned Reflective Sessions

The Judicial Reform and Institutional Strengthening (JURIST) Project together with the Improved Access to Justice in the Caribbean (IMPACT Justice) Project and supported by Global Affairs Canada will host a two-day lessons learned reflective session from February 4-5, 2020 in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.

The meeting will bring together three Canadian-funded Projects namely the JURIST Project, the IMPACT Justice Project and the Justice Undertakings for Social Transformation (JUST) Programme as well as their key national/regional stakeholders to join the discussion over the two days.

This year’s reflective session will be facilitated by Mr. Mark Stiles, Project Monitor and the objectives are to:

  • review the status of justice reform programming in the region and identify gaps not addressed by current programming;
  • share information between stakeholders and implementing teams on lessons learned, innovative tools and national reform priorities or plans;
  • discuss methods for information-sharing, coordination and collaboration between and among stakeholders and the Projects; and
  • strengthen networking among justice practitioners in the region.

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