Preparing decisions workshop for regional Magistrates and Parish Court Judges

The Judicial Reform and Institutional Strengthening (JURIST) Project in partnership with the Caribbean Association of Judicial Officers (CAJO) will host a virtual workshop titled: “Preparing Decisions for Timely Delivery” for regional Magistrates and Parish Court Judges on April 7, 2022 starting from 1 pm (AST). 

This interactive workshop will provide participants with a model checklist to assist with essential preparation to avoid undue delays in delivering decisions. The workshop will also explore the philosophical underpinnings of the preparation and timely delivery of decisions and offer strategies to manage issues that affect timely delivery. 

The workshop will be facilitated by the Honourable Mr. Justice Peter Jamadar, Judge, Caribbean Court of Justice (CC) and Chair, CAJO; the Honourable Mme. Justice Roxanne George, Chief Justice (ag), Guyana; and the Honourable Mme. Justice Lisa Ramsumair-Hinds, Judge, Trinidad and Tobago. 

At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 

  • Describe three fundamental philosophies that underpin of preparing decisions for timely delivery; 
  • Name and describe at least three principles that inform preparation; 
  • Use a model checklist to assist with decision preparation; 
  • Identify at least three areas of decision-making that can be improved; 
  • Identify and describe the milestones and essential intervening events/sub-events in the management of a case from filing to disposal; 
  • Create a general process flowchart to show how a matter is managed from filing to disposal; 
  • Prepare a checklist of actions that may derail the life of a matter, where they occur, and strategies to overcome or mitigate them; and 
  • Set time-based measures for the lifecycle of a matter. 

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