The Judicial Reform and Institutional Strengthening (JURIST) Project Steering Committee (PSC) will be held on Tuesday, May 23, from 9 a.m. to noon, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad.

There are four items for approval: the proposed agenda; the draft Minutes of the PSC Meeting held on November 24, 2016; the Two Year (2017-2019) Work Plan and the Third Year Annual Report. The Third Year Annual Report will be sent under separate cover by the end of the week.

During this meeting the JURIST Project team will make presentations on the Two Year Work Plan. The Work Plan is the result of feedback from judiciaries and stakeholders in the justice sector during recent planning meetings held throughout the region. It reflects the detailed activities that need to be undertaken to ensure successful, regional judicial reform.

The JURIST PSC is the strategic governing body of the Project which reports to Global Affairs Canada (GAC) and the Sub-Committee. It is responsible for:

  • providing strategic policy direction and overseeing Project performance;
  • revising and approving all Project governing documents (e.g. annual work plans and reports etc);
  • ensuring that governing documents reflect the major cross-cutting themes including: gender equality, the environment, good governance and sustainability, and court excellence;
  • reviewing annual progress reports;
  • providing information and guidance on the general direction of the Project and reviewing the relevance of Project outcomes, strategies and plans in the context of changing policies of regional governments; and
  • making recommendations as to the strategic direction and policy-related exercises to be supported by the Project.

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