The Canadian-funded Judicial Reform and Institutional Strengthening (JURIST) Project will host a strategy and work planning workshop for the Sexual Offences Model Court (SOMC) which was established in Antigua and Barbuda in January, 2019.

The virtual meeting will take place on January 12 and 19, 2021 and aims to strengthen the court, promote sustainability and support its leadership. The SOMC is a set of specialised court procedures and model guidelines for the treatment of sexual offence cases.

The purpose of the workshop is two-fold, and targets key stakeholders of the SOMC who will:

  • assess progress, exchange perspectives, share knowledge, and build shared understanding to further strengthen the work of the SOMC; and
  • co-develop a 2021 Strategy and Work Plan for the SOMC. It is expected that during the workshop, participants will work together in a facilitated online discussion.

Participants will be asked to reflect on progress, and identify strengths, challenges and learning thus far. Through sharing of stakeholder perspectives on factors that will enable the SOMC to be most successful, shared knowledge and understanding will be strengthened.

Stakeholders will identify the strategic priorities for the work of the court in 2021. In the concluding session, facilitators will lead the group in developing a succinct 2021 work plan.

During the workshop, participants will be guided in collaboratively contributing to documents on-line. The facilitators will capture all products, and summary documents and a work plan will be produced and provided to participants and the JURIST Project following the sessions, for review and
further input.

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