The Judicial Education Institute of Trinidad and Tobago (JEITT) will be supported by the Judicial Reform and Institutional Strengthening (JURIST) Project in conducting a two-part training workshop for judicial officers from the Trinidad and Tobago judiciary on gender sensitive adjudication. The first part of the workshop will be held from November 13-14, 2019 and the second session from November 28-29, 2019.

The workshop is designed to utilize, the Trinidad and Tobago Gender Protocol – Justice through a Gender Lens: Gender Equality Protocol for Judicial Officers, to ensure that judicial officers duly equip themselves with a gender lens and engage the instruction, values and principles of the Protocol in their adjudication.

The training will be made available to all judicial officers of the judiciary, which amounts to 122 participants, and at the end of the workshop they should:

  • have a basic understanding of gender and gender-related issues;
  • have a greater understanding of international treaties with gender equality and constitutional requirements with respect to same;
  • be sensitive to the need to examine and resolve cases in a manner that facilitates justice for all;
  • treat with biases and stereotyping based on gender;
  • have a greater capacity to engage in gender-sensitive adjudication and be able to apply such adjudication to all areas where unequal power structures exist; and
  • be equipped to recognise gender-based violence in its many forms and adjudicate on those matters within a human rights framework.

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