Client and service standards training for the Barbados judiciary

The Judicial Reform and Institutional Strengthening (JURIST) Project in collaboration with the Barbados judiciary commenced client and service standards training for its court registry and magistrate’s courts staff on August 10, 2020. The virtual training is scheduled to be delivered at intervals to various staff members until September 15, 2020. 

The training is geared towards to improving client service, while simultaneously establishing organisational service standards for court users in Barbados.

One of the JURIST Project’s objectives is to achieve strengthened customer focused and gender responsive court and judicial service delivery in the CARICOM region. This includes improving the capacity of courts to deliver gender responsive and customer focused services to court users.

The Project has sought to do this in multiple ways including:

  • the development of Gender Equality Protocols;
  • gender sensitisation training and implementation of a gender equality accountability tool;
  • the development of client service and service standard manuals to address the customer focused or client-centric perspective. This model for customer focused training was utilised in the Jamaica judiciary resulting in improved results.

The client service manual covers areas such as good client service in a court environment while the service standards manual includes topics as organisation standards for court administration; document processing; performance measurement; court reporting; Magistrate’s Courts and child maintenance.

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