The Honourable Mr. Justice Kenneth Benjamin, Chief Justice of Belize will officially open Part I of the Gender Sensitive Adjudication Training for Judicial Officers.

The two-day training, which takes place from November 1-2, 2018 is hosted by the Judicial Reform and Institutional Strengthening (JURIST) Project in collaboration with the judiciary of Belize. The opening ceremony takes place on Thursday November 1, 2018 at 8:30 am in the Santa Rita Room of the Radisson Fort George Hotel and Marina, Belize City, Belize. Other speakers at the launch will include Mrs. Gloria Richards-Johnson, JURIST Project Director; Mr. Nigel Hawke, Solicitor General of Belize; and the Honourable Mme. Justice Shona Griffith, High Court Judge.

 One of the Project’s objectives is to improve the capacity of judicial officers to use a gender perspective in their adjudication of family law and gender-based violence cases. Following the successful completion of the JURIST/UNWomen/CAJO Train-the-Trainer Gender Sensitive Adjudication earlier this year, the judicial officers who participated were asked to submit training plans for the roll out of gender sensitive training in their respective countries.

The training for Belize’s judicial officers has two main objectives. Firstly, it seeks to build the capacity of judicial officers to be more gender sensitive in the adjudication of family law and cases involving gender-based violence. Secondly, it aims to increase judicial officers’ competence in applying the Gender Equality Protocols in their day-to-day adjudication.

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