Barbados Judicial Training Workshop – Court Leadership and Case Management

The Judicial Reform and Institutional Strengthening (JURIST) Project in partnership with the Caribbean Association of Judicial Officers (CAJO) will host a Judicial Training workshop from January 26 – 28 2023 in Barbados. The training will be conducted by the CAJO and the theme of the training is “Achieving goals, meeting expectations: A deep dive exploration – participant- focused judicial education.

The Faculty of the training will be as follows:

1) Justice Adrian Saunders, President of the Caribbean Court of Justice;
2) Justice Peter Jamadar, Judge of the Caribbean Court of Justice and Chair of the CAJO;
3) Justice Charmaine Pemberton, Judge of the Court of Appeal of Trinidad and Tobago;
4) Justice Lisa Ramsumair-Hinds, Judge of the Supreme Court of Trinidad and Tobago;
5) Justice Westmin James, Judge of the Supreme Court of Barbados;
6) Justice Shona Griffith, Judge of the Supreme Court of Barbados;
7) Ms. Kerine Dobson, Legal Officer to the President of the Caribbean Court of Justice; and
8) Ms. Candace Simmons-Peters, Executive Administrator of CAJO.

The program will cover areas such as:

1) Judicial Leadership, Accountability, and Responsibility;
2) Setting and Meeting Sustainable Performance Standards;
3) Case and Caseflow Management (Civil and Criminal); and
4) Issue-Driven Approaches to Civil Case Management and Decision Making.

About the JURIST Project

The JURIST Project commenced in 2014 and will end this year 2023, as a Caribbean judicial reform initiative funded under a CAN$19 million arrangement with the Government of Canada. The Project is being executed by the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) on behalf of the Conference of Heads of Judiciary of CARICOM. The CCJ and other regional partners are also contributing approximately CAN$4 million to the Project.

The JURIST Project has been working with judiciaries in the Caribbean to support their own efforts to improve court administration and strengthen the ability of the courts and the judiciary to resolve cases efficiently and fairly. Its aim is to modernise and strengthen court systems, processes and services; and to equip judicial officers and court staff with the skills and competencies necessary to deliver justice in a fair, predictable, efficient and timely manner. The ultimate goal of the JURIST Project is to develop a regional judicial system that is more
responsive to the needs of women, men, youth and the poor.

“The JURIST Project is committed to supporting Regional Judiciaries in using empirical evidence to support improved decision making, budgeting and planning, this will create an opportunity to focus on the horizon of continued improvement from a foundation of performance measurement.”

For further information, please contact:

Mr. John Furlonge
Project Director,
Regional Coordinator and Capacity
Development Specialist
Tel (868) 623-2225 ext 2225
Mobile: (868) 386-9254

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