The Canadian-funded Judicial Reform and Institutional Strengthening (JURIST) Project is a part- sponsor of the Eminent Caribbean Jurists Series, which seeks to recognise and honour the contribution of Caribbean Jurists to international law and to educate and inspire the new generation of young lawyers.

The first undertaking is to honour those jurists who have contributed to the progressive development of international law and to the adherence of the Caribbean Community to the rule of international law.

The occasion to mark the lasting contribution of Eminent Caribbean International Law Jurists has two components. There will be a distinguished lecture by one of the outstanding nominees to an audience of policy makers, legal professionals, law students and others. At this event, which takes place on Monday October 7, 2019 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Trinidad and Tobago, five of the most outstanding honourees will be publicly recognised and celebrated with the conferring of lifetime awards. The event will also be the occasion for launching a book containing samples of the work of these jurists.

The book will provide a lasting resource to which recourse may be had and which would add value to the work of legal practitioners. It will chart the evolution of Caribbean international law and its impact is likely to be felt beyond the corridors of courts or law schools to the general public and will deepen the understanding of the culture of international law justice.

Institutional commitment to this initiative has been endorsed by the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), and the CCJ Academy for Law.

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