Re-Engineering Of Business Processes

Re-engineering of Business Processes to include gender-sensitive administrative and customer service procedures, policies, and case flow management processes.

A prevailing consensus of courts in the region is the need to improve service delivery in every aspect of operations. Customers who access the services of the courts deserve to be attended by knowledgeable, gender sensitive, professional and courteous judicial officers and court staff who treat them with respect and dignity. Cases should be managed efficiently and court-annexed Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) should be utilised where feasible, all in the pursuit of delivering quality and timely judicial outcomes for customers of the court system.

This component will re-design selected key court processes to enable delivery of services to customers in times, places and via channels that are convenient to them, circumscribed only by such restrictions as are necessary to protect the integrity of judicial processes. Internal administrative processes will also be re-engineered to improve efficiency and service to internal customers. Customer needs will be the primary driver of process design which will in turn drive information technology (IT) systems and organization design.

By its very nature, business process re-engineering is disruptive. It is designed to produce radical change by introducing root and branch reform. Such activities cannot be successful without leadership commitment. This activity will therefore absolutely require top-level project sponsors/champions (Chief Justices) who are pro-actively involved in the process. Additionally, the nature of registries as the “engine rooms” of courts, means that the commitment and participation of court administrators (Registrars/Court Administrators) is equally indispensable. Front-line staff in courts will be trained in process analysis and re-design techniques in order to facilitate a participatory approach to re- engineering the selected processes.

The ultimate beneficiaries will be users/customers of the court systems who should benefit from improved customer-centric service while intermediate beneficiaries would include judicial officers and court staff who would have access to better systems and information as well as reduced requirements for them to perform their work.