Project Management and Governance

Management Approach and Structure

Since the JURIST Project enjoys high visibility and plays a key role in strengthening the images of regional judiciaries the organizational structure of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) has been enhanced to include a dedicated Project Management Unit (PMU) to oversee its implementation, comprised as follows:

  • Project Director
  • Two Regional Coordinators
  • Communications Specialist
  • Gender Specialist
  • Project Accountant
  • Administrative Assistant
  • Two National Project Coordinators located within each jurisdiction in the region

The activities of the PMU are planned, organized and monitored with assistance of the CCJ. Its work is approved, reviewed and monitored by the JURIST Project Steering Committee (PSC). The PMU is responsible for detailed project planning, operational and financial management, procurement, communications, monitoring and reporting. The Project’s focus is on timely and cost effective delivery of expected results.

National Project Coordinators

To ensure that the JURIST Project retains its regional focus throughout its five-year life, is judiciary-led and supported by judiciaries throughout the CARICOM region, two National Project Coordinators have been appointed by the Head of the Judiciary in each country. One acts as the day-to- day link between the JURIST Project and the judicial officers in the country, and the other as the link between the JURIST Project and court administration personnel in the country. The specific role of the National Project Coordinators varies from country to country and from one stage of the Project to another. However, all of them support the country’s Head of Judiciary by maintaining ongoing effective communication with the JURIST Project staff to:

  • ensure that the JURIST Project is fully aware of priorities, suggestions and concerns the country has regarding the current and future work of the Project and the degree to which the country is willing to participate in such work;
  • ensure that the judicial officers and administration staff are kept up-to-date on Project plans, activities and accomplishments – both in country and more generally across the region;
  • work with the assistance of JURIST Project staff to help facilitate and support specific activities in either their country or the region as a whole;
  • ensure that JURIST Project staff are aware of past and ongoing developments within the country which the Project could build by identifying potential for and facilitating the establishments of partnerships with groups doing similar work;
  • provide key information from within their country relative to the various activities planned for the Project; participate directly in – or even leading – various activities; and
  • assist in the monitoring and evaluation of JURIST Project activities.