Project Implementation Plan

The JURIST Project is a C$23,725,013 project, of which C$19,400,000 will be provided under an arrangement with the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD) of Canada. The Caribbean Court of Justice, (CCJ) will contribute C$1,441,686 in salary and operational expenses and regional partners will contribute C$2,883,327in salary and operational expenses. The project implementation period spans from the signing of the Contribution Arrangement on March 22, 2014 to March 31. 2019.

The Project seeks to improve court administration and the administration of justice by strengthening the ability of the courts and the judiciary to resolve cases efficiently and fairly. Special attention will be paid to improving the capacity and skills of judges, court administrators, and court personnel to deliver services that address the different needs of women, men, girls and boys as well as those of their “customers” from the governmental and private sectors.