Project Goals and Activities

The Project’s stated overarching goal is to establish a judicial system that is more responsive to the needs of women, men, youths and businesses.

To achieve this goal, the Project focuses on two intermediate and three immediate outcomes.

The intermediate outcomes seek to:

(i) strengthen customer focused, gender responsive court and judicial service delivery in the CARICOM region and

(ii) improve gender responsive systems, court policies and procedures. These will be achieved through the following immediate outcomes:

  • Improved capacity of courts to deliver gender responsive and customer focused services.
  • Enhanced capacity of the courts to undertake public education programs.
  • Strengthened capacity of courts for efficient court governance, case management and case disposition.
  • In order to support the achievement of these immediate outcomes, a number of strategies and reform initiatives are being implemented.

The following strategies are being adopted to achieve the first immediate outcome:

  • Training on court administration and adjudication that is gender responsive and customer focused;
  • Developing model guidelines for handling sexual offence cases (including cases involving children); and
  • Re-engineering of business processes in selected courts to priorities gender sensitive administrative and customer service procedures.

The second immediate outcome is being achieved through:

  • Support being given to courts in developing tools for delivering public education programs and receiving customer feedback; and
  • Establishing a knowledge management system.

The third immediate outcome is employing the following strategies:

  • Implementing delay and backlog elimination mechanisms;
  • Establishing a business model for a regional Information and Communications Technology (ICT) solution (specifically a Case Management System); and
  • Developing and operationalizing specialized courts/divisions.