As part of the support for the establishment of the Sexual Offences Model Court in Antigua and Barbuda (SOMC), the Judicial Reform and Institutional Strengthening (JURIST) Project will be conducting a series of training workshops during the months of
July and August, 2018. The training workshops will be delivered to a cadre of professionals including magistrates, court personnel, police, prosecutors, medical professions and victim support personnel from the government and non-governmental organisations (NGOs). The workshops have been designed to increase the capacity of justice sector actors to effectively manage sexual assault cases and provide survivor-centred support to complainants.
The SOMC is a set of specialized court procedures for the treatment of sexual offences. These specialized procedures include, tighter pre-trial case management, special waiting room at the High Court, fast tracking for sexual assault cases and the use of video conferencing technology, which will allow vulnerable complainants to give evidence from a remote testimony room.
The schedule of training inclusive of dates, facilitators and objectives are outlined in the table below.