
The judiciary is a third arm of government and as such plays an integral role with elected government officials and the civil service in providing services to a common customer – the public. Clearly the role of all arms can best be fulfilled if they work in partnership. However, that partnership must respect certain protocols that protect the special responsibilities and roles of each. Of particular relevance to this Project is the critical importance of a free and democratic society to ensure that judicial officers are independent (and are seen to be free) of inappropriate influence in making judicial decisions. From a general perspective, by ensuring that the other arms of government are involved in an appropriate manner in different aspects of the Project, appropriate partnerships between the judiciary and other arms of government will be strengthened.

Specifically, the Project will improve the manner in which the different arms share and allocate governance roles and responsibilities in particular substantive areas. The Project will (in consultation with the executive and other partners) explore and develop improved definitions of the appropriate role of the judiciary and other arms of government with respect to Human Resource Management decisions regarding court administration staff.