Environmental Sustainability

The environmental cross-cutting theme of the JURIST Project focuses on:

  1. Reduction of Carbon Footprints:
    • elimination of paper through electronic substitutes thus reducing carbon footprints because courts are notorious generators of paper.
    • adaptation of processes and technology that reduce the generation of paper (e.g. e-filing, e-scheduling, internal communications using electronic MIS systems).
    • reduction of the carbon footprint of Court operations (e.g. reduce number of court appearances– therefore reduce carbon footprint related to jurors, witnesses, prisoners, litigants, accused persons on bail and attorneys’ traveling to court.
  1. Disaster Recovery:

The effects of a disaster on courts, being the backbone of the justice delivery system, will be multifold. As such, the Project will take this into consideration when implementing measures which are necessary or expedient for the prevention of danger or threat of any disaster. The Project will also encourage participating courts to undertake mitigation measures including structural and non-structural measures to limit the adverse impact of hazards, environmental degradation and technological hazards.

This will be done through:

    • encouraging a culture of disaster preparedness in courts.
    • encouraging vulnerability reduction and disaster mitigation through better planning processes.
    • advocating for business continuity planning to ensure that courts can continue to provide its critical services during and after an interruption (e.g. off-site back-up storage).