The refresher Mediation Training Workshops for court-connected mediation in Guyana will continue this morning and conclude tomorrow at the Marriott Hotel, Kingston, Georgetown. The second of two workshops—the first being held in New Amsterdam, Berbice, on Monday and Tuesday—is being hosted by the Judicial Reform and Institutional Strengthening (JURIST) Project in collaboration with the judiciary of Guyana.

The workshops are being conducted by Mediation Services International (MSI) Inc. “Opening remarks at the workshops will be delivered by the Hon. Yonette Cummings-Edwards, Acting Chancellor of the Guyana Judiciary; the Hon. Basil Williams, S.C., Attorney General and Minster of Legal Affairs; Her Excellency Lillian Chatterjee, High Commissioner of Canada to Guyana; Mrs. Gloria Richards Johnson, JURIST Project Director; and Ms. Jamila Ali, Director, MSI Inc. among others,” JURIST said.

The aim of the workshops is to reduce the current backlog that exists in the Guyana Supreme Courts under the old Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) by enhancing the use of mediation to reduce delays. Additionally, it will enhance the mediation services in Guyana by building the capacity of staff. There will also be a judicial, legal and public awareness campaign on mediation to sensitise judges and attorneys in their roles for mediation.

The JURIST Project, which commenced in 2014, is a five-year regional Caribbean judicial reform initiative funded under an arrangement with the Government of Canada. The Project is being implemented on behalf of Global Affairs Canada (GAC) and the Conference of Heads of Judiciary of CARICOM , by the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), which was appointed by the Conference as its Regional Executing Agency.

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