Barbados now has at its disposal a set of guidelines that will lead to the long term reduction in the backlog of sexual offence cases.

The model guidelines for sexual offences cases in the Caribbean region were presented to a number of key players.

These included the Probation Department, the Bar Association along with the Chief Justice, Sir Marston Gibson and a sexual assault survivor.

Barbados is the first country in the region to launch the guidelines.

They’re expected to facilitate greater coordination among the justice sector and reduce victimization of complainants and witnesses.

The deficiencies were identified in a 2016 baseline study commissioned by the judicial reform and institutional strengthening, jurist project and undertaken by UN Women.

Chief Justice, Sir Marston Gibson in welcoming the guidelines says the length of time sexual offence cases take, has always been an issue.

Canada is a partner in the multimillion dollar project.

High Commissioner to Barbados, Marie Legault says the guidelines are not only timely, but a step in the right direction.

Advocate, Alicia Bailey recounted her latest ordeal and said many victims don’t get the support from the relevant agencies and resort to dropping the cases.


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